
I don't scare easily. The COVID-19 virus of hate terrifies me.

I don't scare easily.  The COVID-19 virus of hate terrifies me.

Normally, it takes a lot to scare me. I'm an investigative journalist and the work that I do is not for the faint of heart. But the novel coronavirus has mutated for some into a virus of hate against Asian Americans and my fear of getting sick is now overshadowed by my terror over the backlash against my community.

But there is a silver lining. This virus of hate is spurring Asian Americans to stand up, speak out, and launch campaigns to empower us all. I am so proud of the great work that so many of you are doing! Shout out to #racismisavirus, #facesofthecure, #unapologeticallyasian, #washthehate, #iamnotavirus, #hateisavirus. The time has come for AAPIs to be LOUD and UNAPOLOGETIC!